Somlor Proheur

This simple and healthy Khmer dish you can cook in just 10 minutes to serve with steamed rice

- Varieties of vegetable you can find such like mushroom, pumpkin, climbing wattle, edible amaranth, baby corn
-  300g Shrimp 
-  50g dried fish
-  2 table spoons of fish sauce
-  1/2 table spoon of seasoning powder
-  1 tea spoon of sugar
-  1 tea spoon of salt  
-  2 finger roots
-  2 cloves garlic
-  1 clove shallot
-  1 fresh chili 


1.  Boil 1 litre of water in the pot and then put in finger root, garlic, shallot and chili till it smell aroma then take them out from the pot.

2.  After that put in the hard vegetable such as pumpkin and baby corn to cook it well before putting dried fish and prawn. 

3.  Time for adding the flavor, pour in fish sauce, seasoning powder, salt and sugar then mix them well. 

4.  Final stage, put in all the remaining vegetable and simmer for 2minutes

5.  Now it is ready to serve 


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